Cold clima konference – en stor succes
Af civilingeniør Per Rasmussen
Cold Clima konferencen i Kiruna Sverige blev en stor succes.
Endnu engang med mere end 150 deltagere, som havde fokus på det kolde klima.
Cold Clima konferencerne startede i 1994, hvor Professor P.O. Fanger og IDA-HVAC formand, Bent Michael Nielsen fik sat dette i gang.
Siden har der været konferencer verden rund. Da Danmark var vært blev konferencen holdt i Sisimiut, Grønland – og også her blev det en stor succes.
Fra Sverige er modtaget følgende: The conference Cold Climate HVAC 2018 ‐ A great success!
Cold Climate HVAC 2018 conference, a SCANVAC conference held every third year in a northern
Circumpolar community, was held for the first time in Sweden. Hosted in Kiruna a city facing an
extensive transformation due to the ore mine undermining the existing city. Under the direction of
conference Chair Dennis Johansson, Co‐chair Hans Bagge and Senior advisor Åsa Wahlström, the
conference was organized and run by the department of Building Services, in co‐operation with the
department of Building Physics, at Lund University.
Over five days, approximately 150 delegates from 19 countries from the northern part of Europe,
Asia and North America met, made connections and listened to presentations on 95 scientific papers
that examined northern sustainable buildings and their HVAC systems. The conference venue was
Folkets hus in Kiruna and the program included interesting and informative booths and exhibitions
from nine companies and partners. Conference keynote speakers gave lectures on topics ranging
from the transformation of Kiruna city and the structural and social issues in the movement of its
buildings, the construction and background of Icehotel Jukkasjärvi and their new year round Icehotel
365, and the technical, social and cultural challenges of the design of buildings and communities
remote northern areas. The program also included study visits of the local architecture of Kiruna, the
city hall, the Icehotel Jukkasjärvi and the iron ore mine and its impressive HVAC system. Pre and post
conference tours were made to Esrange Space Centre and the Abisko National Park and mountain
Over the days of the conference and related tours the numerous connections made between
researchers from academy, practitioners and developers from industry help in bringing
improvements to the future sustainability of both new and renovated northern buildings.